
Clan Information

Statistics Summary
Clan Name:PL  (3 members)
Homepage:Not Specified
Average Member Points:16,812 (Average Position: 160)
GG Wins:4,806
Total Kills:334,747 (Hs per Kill: 34%)
Total Deaths:381,535 (with Hs: 37%)
Kills per Death:0.88 (Kills per Minute: 2.75)
Connection Time:84 days 15:53:12 hours
Average Connection Time:28 days 05:17:44 hours
Longest Kill Streak:24 Kills
Rounds:89,560 (Win.: 318, Loss.: 251)
Win Ratio:0%
Survived Rounds:441 Rounds (0,49%)
Weapon Accuracy:34% (Shots per Kill: 13.85)

Clan Members

# Name Position Points GG Wins Activity Time Kills Clan Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk
1  [PL]SteakandCheese 90 18,737 2,802 99% 40d 12:51h 146,641 44% 158,839 0.92 47,588 32%
2  [PL] Zanetheman3 and cheese 102 18,465 201 100% 6d 13:02h 27,227 8% 28,409 0.96 12,116 44%
3  [PL] matty and cheese 287 13,234 1,803 100% 37d 13:59h 160,879 48% 194,287 0.83 39,823 25%

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